SEKISUI Diagnostics is pleased to announce the company has been awarded Silver medal for its 2023 sustainability performance from EcoVadis, the world’s largest provider of business sustainability ratings, placing the company in the 86th percentile. The EcoVadis sustainability assessment evaluates how well a company has integrated the principles of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility into its business and management system.
It is based on international sustainability standards, such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and ISO 26000. The methodology covers seven management indicators, across 21 sustainability criteria, in four themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. The rating is based on a company’s policies, actions and results, as well as inputs from third-party professionals and external stakeholders.
Driven by the vision “Creating a Healthy, Sustainable World”, SEKISUI Diagnostics is focused on environmental and social concerns by minimizing our impact on nature, focusing on education, climate change and raising awareness of important medical issues by applying the UN Sustainable Development Goals to support and improve our communities. Our commitment to corporate and social responsibility by upholding ethical work practices to our employees, customers and suppliers.
As this was the first submission for SEKISUI Diagnostics, the Silver medal rating is important for to understand where our sustainability journey has led us to as a company and where we can get the greatest improvements with our ESG efforts.